NanoSpain Conf 
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     NanoSpain 2017
During the last two decades, a revolutionary scientific new age, based on the capacity to observe, characterize, manipulate and organize matter in the nanometric scale, is appearing. In this scale, physics, chemistry, materials science, computational theory, and engineering converge towards the same theoretical principles and experimental findings that are basically governed by the laws of the Quantum Mechanics. Nanotechnology involves these interdisciplinary knowledge areas and methodologies in order to study, manufacture and characterize functional structures with dimensions of tens of nanometers.
In 2008, Spain, Portugal and France (through their respective networks NanoSpain, PortugalNano and C'Nano GSO) decided to join efforts in order that NanoSpain events facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and promote interdisciplinary discussions not only in Spain but among the different groups from Southern Europe.

Other objectives will also be to enhance industrial participation and permit considering the situation of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the south of Europe.

In order to organise the various sessions and to select contributions, the meeting will be structured in the following thematic lines, but interactions among them will be promoted:

1. NanoBiotechnology/Nanomedicine
2. NanoMaterials
3. NanoElectronics/Molecular Electronics
4. NanoChemistry
5. Nanomagnetism
6. Nanophotonics
7. Nanotubes
9. Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPM)
10. Scientific Policy
11. Simulation at the nanoscale
Nanospain2009 Material Online
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Download Conference Abstract Book (Posters) (26.0Mb)

Invited Speakers

  Marco Affronte (CNR-INFM National Research Center, Italy) - Nanomagnetism
Alexandre Bouzdine (University Bordeaux 1, France) - Theory & Modelling
Russell Cowburn (Imperial College London, UK) - NanoBiotechnology / Nanomagnetism
  Etienne Duguet (University of Sciences and Technology of Bordeaux, France) - Nanomaterials
  Jurriaan Huskens (University of Twente, The Netherlands) - Nanochemistry
  Xavier Marie (INSA-CNRS-LPCNO, France) - NanoOptics
  Wolfgang Parak (University Marburg, Germany) - Nanobiotechnology
  Maurizio Prato (University of Trieste, Italy) - Nanotubes
  Albert van den Berg
(University of Twente, The Netherlands) - Nanobiotechnology

Keynote Speakers (Parallel Sessions)

   Andreas Berger (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain) - Nanofabrication/Nanomagnetism
   Jose María de Teresa (Unizar, Spain)- Nanofabrication/Nanomagnetism
   Jose Manuel Guisan (ICP-CSIC, Spain)  - NanoBiotechnology
   Ruth Jimenez (Higienista Industrial, Spain) - Industrial
   Jose Angel Martin Gago (ICMM-CSIC, Spain) - NanoChemistry
   Luis Martin Moreno (Unizar, Spain) - NanoPhotonics
   Victor Puntes (ICN-UAB, Spain) - Industrial
Romain Quidant (ICFO, Spain) - NanoPhotonics
   Jordi Reverter  (ICN-UAB, Spain) - Industrial

Thematic parallel sessions will also be organised to enhance information flow between participants and in particular:

-Exchange information of current work in specific research areas
-Solve particular technological problems
-Look for areas of common ground between different technologies
-Provide contributions to specific reports

The following Thematic Sessions will be organised:

1. NanoBiotechnology (Coordinators: Josep Samitier, Jesus M. De la Fuente & Elena Martinez)
2. NanoFabrication (Coordinators: Francesc Perez-Murano & Fernando Briones)
3. Industrial (Coordinators: Jose Luis Viviente & Emilio Prieto)
4. NanoChemistry (Coordinators: Jaume Veciana & Nora Ventosa)
5. NanoOptics & NanoPhotonics (Coordinators: Juan Jose Saenz & Antonio Garcia Martin)

In 2009, this event will be organised in collaboration with 3 networks:

Spanish Nanotechnology Network
NanoSpain (Spain): 250 Spanish groups with around 1600 researchers in total - one of the widest Spanish scientific networks
Portugalnano (Portugal): 188 Portuguese groups
C´Nano Grand Sud Ouest
C'Nano Grand Sud Ouest (France): 50 labs and more than 500 researchers